Saturday, June 2, 2007

Lazy Sunday


I feel I can just die of boredom.
It's a very hot and quiet Sunday afternoon, I'm home alone, everything on tv seems sucky, what to do???

Feel like going out for yum cha with friends but then again in this hot weather I'd rather curl up at home. It's not that I' afraid of getting dark, I just dislike sweating, which is what I'll do by the thousands of litres when I'm out under the scorching hot sun! I'll be one hot and sweaty babe then... :p :p :p

Actually I just had a very stimulating lunch of lala fried with delicious chili sauce hours ago and I gobbled it off with freshly squeezed lime juice, how satisfying! But now my mouth's itching to chew something again, just dunno what or who yet.... Ahahahak :p

Arghhh... The heat's driving me crazy, I'm going off to see if I can stop my itchy mouth, ta-ta!!!